September Update “The Archetect”

September Update “The Archetect”

Here’s the latest on my EP “The Archetect”

  • The title track “The Archetect” and the second single “How the West was Won” have been released on my website. Pre-Buyers can listen to the songs in their entirety after logging in.
  • You can listen to a clip of the song if you haven’t done the Pre-Buy. If you like what you hear consider doing my Pre-Buy. The Pre-Buy helps me complete the EP faster. I’ve got 2 songs to pay for yet. 
  • Matt Starr has finished drum tracks on the 3rd song. He’s got one to go! He’s doing some shows with former Guns-N-Roses guitarist, Gilby Clarke, this month. 
  • Jorgen Carllson needs to do bass tracks on the last 2 songs. 
  • Currently I’m tracking the last song, “Shanghai”. 
  • The completion of the EP is looking like end of September 24’. I was shooting for August but August was a mess really. I didn’t get enough time in the studio. I’m getting more time in the studio now that my kids are back to school. 
  • After completion, I’ll be getting CDs made and shipped to Pre-Buyers.
    Thank you to all my Pre-Buyers!!! We’re almost there!

Ps. I’ve started compiling a list of venues and booking managers in the CT area where I live. Matt is going to be on drums. Mike Mancini has said he’ll join us on the bass guitar. Mike is a Berkeley music graduate. He’s an MONSTER on bass. I’m anxious to get playing with this trio!

Arlo T.

Have you listened to the first 2 tracks yet? Do you dig it?