One song to finish on my EP “The Archetect”

One song to finish on my EP “The Archetect”

Here’s the latest on my EP “The Archetect”

  • The third track “Out on the Sea” is up on my website. Pre-Buyers can log in and listen to all 3 tracks now.
  • I’ve gotten many positive comments on “Out on the Sea” and a fair number have said this is their favorite song on the EP. Thank you to everyone that’s listened!
  • The last track, “Shanghai”, just needs bass and then mixed. This should be completed by end of March with CD’s to Pre-Buyers to follow.

Thank you to everyone for being so patient on the release. My regular job was very busy this winter and my music plans kept getting pushed to the far back burner. Winter is almost over and music is coming to the front burner again.

It’s time to focus on playing GIGS and sharing these songs with a bigger audience. Thanks again for all your support. 

Hope to see you this Spring/Summer!

