Is "The Archetect" a Concept EP? Yes, it is!
Is "The Archetect" a Concept EP? Yes, it is!

When I first start thinking about putting together an EP, I had no conceptual vision for it. I picked the 4 best songs I had and started thinking about recording them in a studio.
Then one day I was playing around with a Univibe pedal in my studio. It's from a company called BMF Effects. If you're not familiar with what a Univibe pedal is go listen to Jimi Hendrix's "Machine Gun" or Robin Trower's "Bridge of Sighs". I found a drum pattern in my EZdrummer software that I liked and started playing along. Six hours later I had the song mapped out. Sometimes I write songs and think "this is pretty good" or I might think "I just wasted 6 hours this is crap". That day I felt I had written my best song yet! I felt like I had reached another level in my songwriting and in recording the different instruments.
The title for that song came to me the following day driving to work. What if I called it "The Architect"? I liked that but I wasn't seeing it spelled that way in my mind. For some reason, I saw it spelled "The Archetect". So I went to a dictionary and started looking at what the word "arche" could mean. Arche is a noun : something that was in the beginning : a first principle. I started thinking about how that meaning fit with the word "architect". Architect is a noun : 1. a person who designs buildings and advises their construction 2. a person who designs and guides a plan or undertaking. I liked the idea of putting those meanings together. “The Archetect” had awakened!
After I wrote "The Archetect", I set the other 4 songs aside. I decided I wanted to write 3 more songs that complimented "The Archetect". There was still no concept. I just wanted the other 3 songs to be on the same new level that I felt I had reached. I sent "The Archetect" to my drummer Matt Starr. We took off my EZdrummer software drums and Matt put on real drums recorded in the studio. It made a HUGE difference! The song really came alive after he put his energy into it.
A couple weeks ago, I wrote the next song. It's called "How the West was Won". I really liked this song. I felt it was at that new level and maybe better than "The Archetect". It has a great riff, a great story and it's going to sound HEAVY once Matt and Jorgen Carllson get done with it. I still had no concept in mind for the EP.
Last week I started messing around with a more uptempo and happy song. My daughter, Izzie, says my songs are always sad. I'd been listening to alot of Thin Lizzy and Rory Gallagher lately. I tried capturing some of their energy into my new song. It's called "Out on the Sea". Still no concept.
Then it came to me driving to work. This is a Concept EP! After changing the order of the tracks it was revealed to me...
The track listing is:
1. How the West was Won
2. The Archetect
3. Out on the Sea
Initially, I had "The Archetect" first but then I thought what if I move HTWWW to the first slot? This wasn't an EP of 4 different songs. This is the story of Zebulon. Zebulon is the main character in HTWWW. I need to finish the lyrics to "Out on the Sea". I already have the story in my mind. I also have the premise for the fourth song now. I just need to record the music for that. I feel that song needs to be a longer more EPIC song.
So Yes, this a Concept EP! I'm excited for you to hear the story of Zebulon. I think it will be a fun adventure for us all!
I'm familiar with writing songs that are sad. The song I wrote a couple of weeks ago was about a guy that OD'd and the devistation it left for his family. I did write one happy song last year after Jimmy Buffett died and I decided to try a writing a 'what if I was Jimmy Buffett' song. It was a fun excersize and I do like the song that came from it. Me song writing mentor doesn't seem to be able to write a happy song either and that guy has written hundreds of songs!